Topless Elves

Created by Sophie 4 years ago

I have so many memories of George it's hard to pick one.  He was such a great giggler and it's his laugh that really sticks with me now.  This particular memory is of a meeting with Bert, George and myself when we were discussing a Christmas comedy film we'd been developing.  We got to a scene where all the elves are wrapping and stacking presents to be distributed around the world, and for some reason George suggested that all the elves should be topless and really ripped.  This made us laugh so much that we couldn't do any work for the rest of the afternoon because every time the elves were mentioned George would add "topless" and we'd be falling about again.  Silly, but that was one of the lovely things about George.  He was a truly brilliant writer, but always modest, generous and ready to laugh at pretty much anything.  

I will miss him hugely.

Sophie Clarke-Jervoise